China's electric valve market has broad prospects

China's electric valve market has broad prospects In recent years, electric valves, an important mechanical product, have ushered in an unprecedented market. The huge market demand for electric valves is also increasing.

It is worth noting that at present, the competition in the valve industry is still not standardized, or has an impact on the development of the valve industry. The main problems include: 1. Some operators purchase valves with no plant name, and print well-known manufacturers' brand names and certificates. The reputation of qualified valve companies poses a serious hazard; Second, refurbishment of valves, some operators through the second sale of waste valves repainted, giving the project quality a serious safety hazard.

Compared with traditional manual valves and pneumatic valves, electric valves are more energy-efficient and safer for movement. Today, the demand for environmental protection and safety is increasing, and electric valves are indispensable. Valves are mostly used in industrial processes to control the flow and flow of various fluids, such as water, oil, chemical liquids, etc., based on parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow. The control valves commonly used in factories include several types such as pressure reducing valves, pneumatic constant temperature valves, solenoid valve constant temperature systems, proportional control valve constant temperature systems, and temperature control valves. When selecting various types of automatic valves, factors such as the type of heat engine, the required precision, the quality of the control valve, pressure drop, flow rate and its structure, failure rate, manufacturer's credit and after-sales service, etc. should be considered in order to achieve economical and practical purposes.

As far as the product itself is concerned, because electric valves have the advantages of easy assembly, low failure rate, and compliance with the automation needs of the industry, it is a more cost-effective choice for operators. Because the use of the traditional traditional pneumatic valve, will inevitably have to be equipped with piping, solenoid valves and compressors, and the electric valve is driven by a motor, easy to install and save, and the electric valve installed with the factory's original automatic control line can save other the costing payment. In addition, the motor drive method is relatively smooth in opening and closing, and there is no short-term impulse overload, and the failure rate can be greatly reduced.

Electric valves are easy to assemble, have a low failure rate, and meet the automation needs of the industry, making them a more cost-effective choice for the industry. Because the use of the traditional traditional pneumatic valve, will inevitably have to be equipped with piping, solenoid valves and compressors, and the electric valve is driven by a motor, easy to install and save, and the electric valve installed with the factory's original automatic control line can save other the costing payment. In addition, the motor drive method is relatively smooth in opening and closing, and there is no short-term impulse overload, and the failure rate can be greatly reduced.

Electric valve is a new category of valve industry. Because of its many advantages, electric valves are more energy-efficient, safer and more reliable than traditional manual valves and pneumatic valves. The demand for environmental protection and safety is increasing. Today, electric valves are indispensable. Therefore, the market prospect of electric valves is very broad. Foundry companies should learn more about this industry, provide castings for this industry, and drive the development of the foundry industry with electric valves as an emerging industry to gain new development momentum. With the continuous development of market science and technology, electric gate valves are also developing toward high-tech content, high parameters, resistance to strong corrosion, and long life.

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